Thursday, April 10, 2008


So.. Its been a more than a month since I started working out. Had taken a few weeks break.. Its been fun so far except for the aching pains at the end of every session :) And Tainu also started working out. She's having a lot of fun too. She is supposed to burn 700 Cal per day!! and I'm supposed to burn around 300. This is a huge task considering by eating some peanuts while having a drink, I consume more than 300 cal in about 5 mins :) And after running for around 30 mins I only managed to burn about 200 Cal :)
So heres what my session consists off..
Day 1 - Chest, Biceps, Lats (3 sets each, 15 ,12 and 10)
Day 2 - Legs, Shoulder, Triceps
Day 3- Abs, Sides and Forearms

Update on 14 April

Here are some links to some training

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