Monday, July 27, 2009

Dreamt of getting bitten by a snake ..

Had this wierd dream... dreamt of getting bitten by a snake .. check up on the net ... and here one explnation

"Hello. My name is Dr. Robert Hernandez. I'm a psychologist in Miami, Florida, and I'm president and owner of Lafafala Retreat House. Dreaming with snakes is very important. Again, you want to get a perspective of the patient or the client of what snakes mean to them. To some people, they're terrified of snakes, so there's an element of fear, but generally speaking a snake could mean a creative feminine symbol. It also could refer to sexuality, but it is a life force, something that is coming up from the unconscious to compensate for what's happening consciously. Usually, people that dream with snakes is they're trying to get something done, but they don't. There's an element of passivity. Now when you get bit by a snake, that could be that the unconscious is trying to bite you, so that you can react. It might be, again, you're too passive consciously, so the unconscious is sending you a symbol of libido, of life, of sexuality, of something you're trying to repress, and biting you so that you can be awake again, filled with life, filled with energy, and start taking the steps you to take to live your life."

Time to kick some butt..?

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